This is the vision of lady entrepreneur Sonal DIxit. Her stay at Singapore for more than 10 years made her realize the importance of Roti in a working women’s’ life. When she came back to India she made her mind to start a new business through making Rotis. Know more about this Food-Preneur.

One evening her husband came with news that she could avail a free counter at Gujarat Agro Exhibition in 2011. She looked around in the house and thought, what can be made for tomorrow? All she had was Kharek from Kachchh to sell. Soon she thought of a unique idea of making Kharek Pickle. Know more about this Food-Preneur.

Field Farming and Cattle Farming are connected with each other. Maltiben has proved this statement with hard and smart work. She lives in Pratapgadh, Gandhinagar. Today this village is known not only in India but all over the world. People come to meet Maltiben and ensure to visit her Cattle Farm which today has turned a model farm. Know more about this Food-Preneur